How to Avoid Date Rape Drugs: Examples, Uses & Safety Tips
Date rape drugs are extremely potent drugs that are used to make victims unaware of sexual attacks. When under the influence of date rape drugs, the victim will be unable to fight off an attack and generally have no idea that they have been drugged. Often the details of the attack will also be quite fuzzy, making it difficult to catch criminals that use them.
How Do Criminals Use Date Rape Drugs?
Date rape drugs are most often administered to victims when they leave a drink unattended. Often referred to as “club drugs,” because they are most commonly slipped into drinks while people are at a night club or party, date rape drugs are generally odorless and colorless, and will not be detected when the victim returns to their drink. Because the effects are strong and begin quickly, the criminal definitely has the upper hand once these drugs have been administered. The victim will become quite disoriented and probably have trouble walking and talking.
What are Some Examples of Date Rape Drugs?
The most common date rape drugs that are used are Rohypnol, GHB (Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate) and Ketamine. Each of these drugs is extremely potent and will take effect quickly, often within 15-30 minutes of being ingested by a victim.
How Can You Stay Safe?
First and foremost, never leave your drink unattended when you are in a public place. Not even for a minute. Take it with you at all times, even if you have to go to the bathroom. Do not share your drink with anyone, even handing it to someone for a second may be long enough for them to slip something in. If you are with a trusted—and sober—friend, you may feel safe enough to have them watch it for you.
Second, try to watch the bartender prepare your drink, if possible. Ordering a complicated mixed drink or something with strong fruity flavors can provide an opportunity for someone to slip something into your drink.
Third, if your drink appears to have changed color, become darker or cloudy, do not drink it. These changes can be difficult to detect in a dimly-lit club atmosphere (again, this is why this setting can be so attractive to criminals!), but it is always good to check. If you are unsure, there is a simple and inexpensive date rape drug test you can get and keep with you to help determine if your drink has been tampered with.
What to Do If You Suspect Someone Has Drugged You
If you suspect that someone has slipped something into your drink, immediately stop drinking that beverage and seek help. You may feel drunker than usual, or have additional symptoms of dizziness, slurred speech or difficulty walking. If you are not with friends, call for emergency help or notify staff at the establishment to get help. You may need to obtain medical attention, but above all, you must get yourself out of the dangerous situation and to a safe place—as quickly as possible.
While partying at night clubs is a popular and fun way for adults to have a good time, it can be very dangerous if you are not vigilant about your own personal safety at all times. Have a good time, but always be careful!
We strongly keeping yourself safe with a simple and inexpensive test that can detect drugs in your alcoholic or non alcoholic drink: