We Were on TV!

The Pepper Spray Store was Featured on
National Geographic's Hit TV Show "Fight Science"

Here's the story of how the National Geographic Channel
asked us to provide expert self defense and pepper spray information

In October The Pepper Spray Store was contacted by a production company for National Geographic's HDTV division. They were looking for stock footage of an actual pepper spray defense scenario for their new hit program Fight Science featured on National Geographic's HD channel. At the time of their request we did not have anything that would fit their need. However, we had been considering and preparing for exactly what they were asking for. Within a span of 10 days we managed to put together an HD quality broadcast video demonstrating pepper spray effectiveness and usage for National Geographic's use.

We shot a common defensive scenario where a woman approached her vehicle and a would be attacker approached her from a blind location. As the attacker approaches her his body mannerisms begin to change and as she starts to back away and feeling for her safety she reaches for a can of pepper spray and releases a volley on the attacker. The woman then runs away unharmed. We really did hit him with live pepper spray and we proceeded to shoot another 45 minutes of decontamination footage. Unfortunately, you will most likely not see the decontamination footage in the final cut that makes it on the air. Also, please be advised that during the decontamination sequence there is some colorful metaphors that are used.

The first 30 seconds of the video where the woman is being attacked are what you will see on National Geographic's "Fight Science". The segment of video we shot will have an NatGeo narration voiceover. It has not been disclosed to us what additional info will be included in the segment when it comes to pepper spray and your personal defense. However, we have been continuing talks with the production company to create a more in depth less than lethal addition to their show programming matrix.

We are excited to have this opportunity and to bring exposure of our incredible self defense spray product line. We would like to thank National Geographic for this opportunity and we would like to thank our customers who have always known that we produce one of the finest non-lethal self defense products available.